


John Hopkins Film Festival



What will you be wearing?????



COME SEE US ON SUNDAY 5PM again at the John Hopkins Film Festival in the local filmmakers showcase.

in the meantime.........

Please help yourself out to downloadable videos now available on our FILMS page and the WHOLE ENTIRE DIRTY MARMADUKE FLUTE SQUAD "SHIT FEVER!" ALBUM offered exclusively now on this site.

Thank you for all the support.


2005-04-22 - 9:15 a.m.

Nikc Miller, a man of words........

BHP hits the Baltimore Sun LIVE! section!

Not realistic at all are Miller's short films, gleefully primitive and anarchic shots across the pop-culture bow that look to make their audiences howl (hopefully in merriment, but perhaps in outrage) while hopefully getting them to think. Special Message is presented as a nine-minute infomercial by a group of Christian right-wingers determined to rid the world of gay zombies. "I'm trying to make fun of everybody, so that nobody gets left behind," says Miller, 22, who is studying film production at Towson University. "The No. 1 thing I try to do is to give people a good time and just be absurd ... have them not realize that they're thinking about stuff. After they laugh initially, then they think about it."

2005-04-21 - 3:53 p.m.


Well more than a few opportunities to see the blockbuster "A Special Message From CCAQZ" are available for the month of April. Not only are there the two Johns Hopkins screenings (see below) but also:

on April 28th - a very special "academic screening" of the film at Towson University in Room 314 in the University Union at 2:40pm. This a part of the Sixth Annual Student Research and Scholarship Expo. So in addition to seeing what leaps Towson graduates have made in advance disease research, you can also learn about the true threat of queer zombies.

However if you are not in the mood for a middle-of-a-weekday early afternoon and most importantly "DRY" (as in no alcohol) screening. You can most certainly wait until the very next day for the

April 29th 8 pm - CAMM COLLEGE BAKEOFF!!
at the Patterson for yes that's right folks, complimentary PABST BLUE RIBBON. Come, eat cake, be merry , and see A SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM CCAQZ.
Creative Alliance

One final side note:

A performance by the DIRTY MARMADUKE FLUTE SQUAD is scheduled for MIDNIGHT, APRIL 16th at the Spotlighters Theater at 817 St. Paul Street as part of the Hole-in-the-wall Cabaret. Check it out, see you there, nikc

2005-04-08 - 1:19 a.m.


Hello folks, JHU film festival recently posted up their show schedule for this year and our films "A Special Message From CCAQZ" and "ROBOT-USSIN" are playing on Friday, April 22nd in the "Narrative Shorts 2" program at 7pm. Amazingly, the festival is also playing our films on Sunday, April 24th at 5pm as well, so you get not one, but TWO opportunities to watch our stuff.

Check the JHU Film Festival site for more details. -Mike

2005-03-26 - 5:10 p.m.

MD Film Fest

...and for one more final entry of this week, now forever known as "The Week of the BHP," Robot-ussin will be playing at this year's MD film festival. check it for updates. Dang...

2005-03-16 - 5:28 p.m.

Johns Hopkins


News just came in to our prestigious office building that Better Hollywood will be making its presence known with both "A Special Message From CCAQZ" and "Robot-ussin" at this year's Johns Hopkins Film Festival!

When? you ask....Well, I'm not sure yet but the website is:


so check it out. more on times and stuff as it develops.

Two years ago, we made our debut at JHFF with "Distortion" I didn't attend but they were pretty lax on communication and giving out free shit. This year seems better as the letter promises a free pass, free tshirt, and best of all free beer. Goddam right I'll be there for Q and A.......nikc

2005-03-15 - 12:31 a.m.

From the Front Desk of the BHP team

So yeah, it's 4:43am and it's been a long time before anything has happened to this website, but if you're reading this, change is a'comin' soon. Things have been well for the BHP, recently collaborating with 37.5 Productions and the The Top Floor Theatre to make the ever-clever Hondance film festival, showcasing some of Baltimore's best filmmakers and performers along with us.

Our latest creation, "A Special Message From CCAQZ" has been submitted to the CAmm College Bake-Off in April. CCAQZ premiered at the Towson Film III screening with some controversy and had a real deal kinda premiere at HONDANCE which was an overall success judging by the hysterical laughter. We've had previous success at the College Bake-off with "Anatomy of a Student Film" which won both jury and audience awards last year. All and all, we're getting our money's worth in the bomb-ass cake they have there, if we actually do get in this year fo' sure. So please come out to support and eat the cake.....god willing.

Nikc's been hard at work for the epic "Livelihood" which you can see the trailer of exclusively here on the 37.5 site.....starring Steve Thomas as "Billy Jump" with appearances with Nikc, John, and yours truly. Watch out for the follow-up to Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad's "Shitfever" coming soon.

John & I are in the process of beating an old script to death titled "Deaf to the Signs", a gentle story commenting on the glamourization of urban street culture through the clever use of the mentally handicapped. It should be a nut-buster.

Hopefully, film festivals will be good to us this year and we're sending submissions all over and just maybe we'll be coming to a town near YOU.

In other news, we recently acquired a Bauer Super 8 film camera and we also have a working Super 8 projector. So if anyone out there needs Super 8 film transfers (to mini-dv) done, we got the hook-up....just give us a couple bucks and a tape and you got yourself a deal.

The incoming new website is being designed exclusively by Cindy-Loo and if you were smart, you'd check her out at studio-loo and buy some of her stuff because she loves us and we love her, Mike especially.....

Holla back,


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Shout-outs? contact me at [email protected]

2005-03-06 - 4:42 a.m.

Fresh out the box!

Peel back the cellophane. Better Hollywood Productions is up and limping. Here's our site or what�s put together so far. We�re working on it night and day, in sickness and in health, hour after hour, drunk and sober (mainly drunk).

Right now you can check out our Films. Presented to you in glorious static images and as a special bonus we've also included a brief description in TEXT format! (check your computer's settings to see if you can handle it)

You can also delve deep into the psyches of the BHP crew. All you could ever want to know and more than you should can be found on the Bios page. Once again presented in static images and TEXT format.

There's a lot more coming. Keep checking back, the fate of a small South American country rests in your hands...choose your own adventure (turn to page 27)

2005-01-30 - 1:55 p.m.

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